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If interested in nurse-focused programs, such as continuing education and non-continuing education lecture series and study guide booklets, application-based hands-on labs, or product-based competency, please contact us below.

Study Guide Booklets

To order a free Study Guide booklet, please use the contact request form below.

Electrosurgery in GI Endoscopy
2.0 Contact Hours

This educational activity is designed for healthcare professionals interested in learning more about applications and safe use of electrosurgery in endoscopic procedures in GI.

Learning objectives include:

  • Properties of electricity
  • Basic principles of electrosurgery
  • Precautions necessary to perform electrosurgery safely
  • Potential complications associated with the use of electrosurgery
  • Placement of the dispersive electrode to prevent patient injury
  • Basic principles of argon enhanced coagulation
  • Precautions necessary to perform APC safely in surgical and GI endoscopic procedures

Argon Plasma Coagulation in Flexible Endoscopy
2.0 Contact Hours

This educational activity is designed for healthcare professionals interested in learning more about applications and safe use of argon plasma coagulation in flexible endoscopic procedures.

Learning objectives include:

  • Basic principles of electricity and electrosurgery as they relate to argon plasma coagulation
  • Clinical benefits of using argon plasma coagulation endoscopically over electrosurgery and laser modalities
  • Components of an endoscopic argon plasma coagulation system
  • Safety precautions that should be implemented when using electrosurgery and argon plasma coagulation
  • Results of endoscopic applications of argon plasma coagulation as reported in the literature
  • Clinical implications for the safe use of argon plasma coagulation in flexible endoscopy

Hot Topics

Clinical Education offers Hot Topics newsletters to enhance the current knowledge of clinicians.

  • Volume 1 – Dispersive Electrodes: Who, What, Where?
  • Volume 2 – Jewelry: To Remove or Not to Remove?
  • Volume 3 – Bowel Explosions: Rumor or Reality?
  • Volume 4 – Using An ESU with Pacemakers and ICDs
  • Volume 5 – Neuromuscular Stimulation (NMS), Fact or Fiction?
  • Volume 6 – Fire Prevention in the Operating Room and Endoscopy: Back to Basics
  • Volume 7 – Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Large Flat Colonic Lesions – Using Thermal Ablation Post Resection to Reduce Recurrence
  • Volume 8 – Electrosurgery and the Morbidly Obese Patient
  • Volume 9 – ESU Risk Management in Endoscopy
  • Volume 10 - Choosing An APC® Probe for Flexible Endoscopy
  • Volume 11 - ESU Risk Management in the Operating Room
  • Volume 12 - Endoscopy Irrigation Water Bottles Reusable versus Disposable

  • Volume 13 - Reprocessing Single-Use Devices: Dangers and Implications
  • Volume 14 - Get in the Right Mode: Optimizing the Use of Argon Plasma Coagulation to Enhance Clinical Outcomes
  • Volume 15 - Simethicone and GI Endoscopy The Great Debate on Simethicone in GI Endoscopy: To Use or Not to Use?
  • Volume 16 - The Erbe Difference
  • Volume 17 - (Series 1): Endoscopic Resection-An Overview
  • Volume 17 - (Series 2): Hot vs. Cold - Resection of Small Polyps
  • Volume 17 - (Series 3): Pedunculated Polyps - Colon
  • Volume 18 - CO2 versus Room Air for Endoscopic Insufflation
  • Volume 19 - Reusable Active Cables
  • Volume 20 - What is Tracheal Stenosis
  • Volume 21 - The Art of Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC®) technique in GI Endoscopy

To order Hot Topics, please contact your local Erbe Sales Representative or use the contact request form below.

Contact Request